Pocket Option YouTube Video Contest - Up to $120 Reward

Pocket Option YouTube Video Contest - Up to $120 Reward
  • Contest Period: Every Week
  • Prizes: Up to $120 Reward

Pocket Option YouTube Video contest for the traders

Every Monday the company reward 2 YouTube bloggers for their video. Simply, upload a video of the trading process is a Pocket Option trader.
  • The winner will be the one get the most likes in his/her video!
  • The second prize will be given out randomly.

Contest’s Time for the 1st round
  •     Start: Every Monday
  •     End:  End in a week after being started.
  •     Duration: One Week
  •     Registration Period: Till the contest start

Offer is Applicable
  • All Traders of Pocket Option

How to Apply
  1.     Open an account at Pocket Option
  2.     Register for the contest
  3.     Upload the unique video traded at the pocket option

  •     Main prize $100 – Awarded to the video with most like
  •     Random prize $20 – Awarded by the authority with the choice


Terms and Conditions – Pocket Option Contest
General terms and conditions apply.
Ask their support for all additional information.